Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Strong Willed Mind

Now I figure that playing it cool and safe no matter what happened and how messed up the situation became is very possible! I've been finding out with myself that by being funny while I'm in a rut and very truthful, the odds stack more favorably to end anything that doesn't feel right to me. For example, if I'm feeling really bored and uncomfortable with my situation of just being lazy, I just tell myself a happy and honest joke which then helps me get back to focusing.

A lot of my choices really do entail my interests while living. Okay, so I don't really pertain to a lot of people, and I'm only probably at a slightly above average status at best. It's really the most unique who get the most out of something. Maybe I can't achieve greatness like that, but I can surely work at staying happy though.

I think I just need to tap into the right places for striking oil. Whatever the demand I have going, I just need to realize what it truly is and then to make adjustments or let to go of them as needed. I just found out that I get heavily ticked off by passive aggressive people. I don't really like them behaving like that with the smallest matters, like telling me to back away without explaining the situation to me. It's not really what they want that bothers me, it's their mannerisms and how it gets me so angry. I've been carried away at times and wanting them to do something very selfish for me.

I'm not so shy to let out my concerns now with these people and to tell subtle and truthful jokes that will get my heart burning with laughter again. I feel so comfortable at the thought of opening myself up and allowing them some breathing room when it isn't complete nonsense they are being crazy about! I'm glad I feel so settled in now despite the troubles I had with people who were angering me in the past. I don't have that feeling of bullying them anymore, but just poking fun at them truthfully and winning the battle of them being forced to talk about an issue that they want to avoid.