Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Simple Goals In Mind

I'm really having a lot of fun watching The Simpsons after all these years of growing up with it. For me, I really like the satire that comes out from the show. I guess every once in awhile I just can't help myself but give into those entertaining things and just let my brain rot.

Believe it or not though, things have been getting easier for me to communicate without coming across as very insincere. I'm really missing a few more practices in my life. Like for instance, I notice that for being a small-time Christian, I should be really reading the Bible everyday. I still skip it, but every once in awhile during a weekday, I do look at Scriptures. I'm trying to make reading the Bible a habit for me. I am convinced in God by just reason of faith- it gives me hope and a state of peace for my heart. I prefer to be loving much as possible to others; it's really bad how being annoyed with someone can inspire a short fuse and hatred.

I remember doing that to my baby cousin who was about hitting people while he was growing up. It was this five or six year old kid mimicking Power Rangers and just yelling at people while hitting them for no reason. I think I was around 14 or 15, I fought back and ended up doing my weak Tae Kwon Do kicks and punches on him. He screamed, "Ouch!" I tried to hurt him as much as possible, but my master made us practice by not hurting each other. I had that mentality set up of snapping my punches, so it made the feeling less painful. Oh well, my cousin is breathing and alive today! He declined an invitation to one of my birthdays recently, too.