Thursday, November 20, 2014


This is me right after having woke up. I guess I don't look too bad. I read one time in the media about an actor, Josh Hartnett sporting what's called the woke-up-from-bed look. It had a small fad of being considered to be sexy, and he was pulling it off while wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. I just thought I try it out too. Hey, I like my teeth appearing white! I've been taking decent care of them, and like the feeling of them being clean.

The only problem about me according to my dad is that I need to work on some six-pack abs. Everything about me is not that bad even though I am a short and stocky individual.

At one point in the late 80s and early 90s, Tom Cruise was considered to be the best looking actor alive and he stands only 5' 7". He became a world famous movie star with the success of Top Gun. This goes to show that even short actors can end up being successful and have tall, beautiful wives.