Thursday, November 2, 2017

Breaking Down Overwhelming To Managable Feeling

For the most part, with my sexual desires reawakened, I'm just going to keep them there. I think it's healthy to always feel like you want to make love! It's funny for sure but I don't mind having them as a constant reminder to me being still single. I've met a great girl and we've got along for several years now and she said she loves me and even texted me it like she's flirting which is so sweet, but she has a partner that she's not too fond of or just has physical happiness when she's in the mood with him. It's a funny dilemma because I don't want her to crash with that relationship even though she could be well off even without him. I don't want to go for a steal because I want to respect it even if it's been going on for almost seven years now and no marriage. I think they've been living together for about a year now and there might really be no common law marriage in a liberal state, so if they wanted to tie the knot for a certificate of marriage for tax benefits and joint partnership then wow, there might be a significant level of risk involved because she's the owner to a lot of things. I'm not going to be jealous of her though because I figure it's all in God's timing with all these single ladies with kids trying to hit on me online and go out on dates with them already! I'm still declining their invitations by the way.

Because of significant work and taking the time to hang with another girl I'm not related to, she's like family to me as well. I also have all these desires and ambitions inside of me to keep me from meeting more beautiful ladies and try to tie an interested one down. I guess from hanging with those lady friends of mine, I'm just getting good at not caring personally about what others are thinking. People haven't really shown to be personally rude with me though because we're living in a liberal and diverse state. I think hot girls are rather abundant with where I live. I just walk around downtown at a big event and there's cute girls hanging out without any guys.

It's not really the end of the world if a girl rejects here because you can still rebuild, recollect, and make yourself better. It does require a certain level of intellect, discipline, and commitment though which is probably what most guys who are craving sex so badly like me don't want to do!  I honestly don't want to either and would hit the accept button if she walked into my life all of a sudden, but this is the game that all eligible guys should be playing regardless. In this game of life, persistence and self-awareness with discipline seriously wins! To lose one's life out of love, is to gain in the afterlife and well worth it to, I might add; even if the person doesn't believe strongly in God. Love is really powerful and influentially amazing with shaping thoughts and improving upon behaviors. It's a really good thing and God in the Bible as confusing as it sounds sometimes proclaims to be love, Himself! Meditating such as doing deep considerable and moving thinking is necessary for concepts of finding out if God is working in someone's life. It can be a waste of time for some people, but definitely something you can grow from. With presumptions being made and significant time needed to back them up, it's just a matter of throwing out or accepting the faith!