Saturday, September 8, 2018

Making Use Out of Time

I have not been enjoying a good run with playing poker so I'm going to tap out of it. The biggest reason is because of the drawdown and also how it hurts from spending a lot of valuable time on it. I prefer a set and go method where I can leave an investment for me running overnight. It's interesting that people can make some money by backing a poker player's tournament entry which is going to be obviously risky. I don't really believe in doing that either, so I have something going with trading.

I think my grinding sessions will pretty much come from working my traditional 8:00 am  to 4:30 pm job. I don't really risk anything for the work I put into it because I'm guaranteed some sort of pay. If I were to continue in making money with poker, which I'm sure I would, I will have to take on like another full-time job and that's not really the point of why I work. I don't want to work while enjoying retirement, so getting into the investment field is going to work out quite nicely for me.

With that being said, I might as well continue to improve upon my trading skills then and organize my life around to getting things done besides letting entertainment which is like sitting on the couch and not working out take over my life. With my off hours after grinding at my job, I can work on doing other cool things and this is what I really want to do in the end. I just want to make money by not really having to be present and the best way to make this happen is to invest.