Monday, September 24, 2018

Receiving Spiritual Growth

I have taken on to believe in Christ taken from pages of the New Testament and to believe wholeheartedly everything that is clearly stated for me to know about with the Old and New Testament. What's so awesome is that I'm so lazy and not even paying attention to what the Scriptures say sometimes while I'm trying to listen to sermons or even read some passages of the Bible, systematically. I end up zoning out and thinking about other stuff that make me want to laugh on a daily basis or how it feels good to have done something by one upping a person later on in life without them even knowing about it.

Yeah, I'm definitely not called to be a pastor unfortunately. I'm called to stay comfortable and deal with my own issues and to also be loving with others and supportive and to live my life as a Christian to the best of my ability. It's a daily battle for me to let go of crazy people I can't help stop thinking about. What's made it so much better with obtaining satisfaction has been from making fun of those crazy people directly at them while being super honest about everything!

 My time is coming to go make fun of those crazy people at that old church or what's left of it. I don't care if it died out or some natural disaster took out the building. I don't really want to see them, so why now? It's because I swore an oath to God and they are even more crazy with not wanting to help me get out of it! They are probably like, it's okay to sin and turn your back on God- yes, those church people and they are thinking it because they don't want to see me either nor even help me get out of this oath. I'm really stuck now with going back for making fun of them some day.