Friday, September 7, 2018


What I really need is to focus on completing my tasks and commit to them. I'm not really a task-oriented person but rather more of a fun-oriented wanna-be free spirit! In order for me to have the confidence to find a nice lady to settle down with and to go out have so much fun doing so many things, I'm going to need to have a lot of money and free time. If one person would look at me, then he or she might want to ask how am I going to go about this?

Because I don't have a lot of money and only just enough to do other things, I think going after a money-grabbing plan will just completely suck the joy out of me. I'm constantly finding myself reverting back to my habits when I tell myself that it might not be that great. I think what's happening is that I'm feeling the sensations from wanting to do it for whatever reason, even though I don't think it's going to well off for me. It's just being human!

Well from realizing this, I'm just going to have to commit to whatever I'm seeking myself out to do and groan about it occasionally from not liking it and make periodic adjustments to change around my life habits which is always so hard to do! This pretty much just means getting my mind off of porn and too much poker.