Monday, August 15, 2022

Promoting Something Good and Positive

I've realized that two tall white guys who are out of shape and look so ugly have removed me as a Facebook friend and then requested to add me again. I really don't mind because they took the liberty to request adding me again. I think they were jealous of me and going through some negative period to make them feel that way. I can have some compassion for them, even if this assumption is totally incorrect!

I'm the short guy who doesn't look ugly! They are the tall guys who look ugly! I guess we can mesh together while taking and removing something from each other. I think those tall guys can dramatically improve upon their appearances if they cared to work out and fix their diet, so naturally they could look like studs to so many hopeful ladies out there. 

What I have is the personality and temperament required for getting married to a lady who is my type. How I confirmed this is that I have already gone out on a first date with the right one. It was my first time which surprised me so much afterwards because I took it for granted and it didn't turn out well. 

She's been nice though and gave me some useful feedback to work on. I may try to hit her up again, after dating around a bit. It's that simple. It's also something that I can't explain too easily because it feels all natural and intuitive in a sense. 

Looking for acceptance on my Facebook was too crazy because it won't pay the bills and suck up a lot of positive energy from always being mad about not getting enough likes! I'm totally off of it and now I figure that whether my Facebook acquaintances care or not, I should post things on there that are important to me and have a really good message, which is usually about inspiring anyone to do something positive and have fun. It's about the quality over quantity for me which is unlike the soulmate who tries to do both but probably manufactures them with less quality! (She's a soulmate in secret now for life but I think dating my type will probably end up becoming a better soulmate.)