Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Best Teacher With Dating

I think the best teachers for dating are from the few ladies who I briefly dated and I was brave enough to ask them related questions to improve myself at it. One of them said it's about how you carry yourself. 

The other said to not ask them if you want to start off as friends, if you like them! I think I didn't communicate properly with the last one but that does sound like common sense. I told her that it's been a long time since I've dated. It seems like these few girls are actually serious about finding someone to be with, and I think that's how it should be. 

If someone's heart is not in it, then you shouldn't really be serious that you are going to change their mind in the first place. I now understand that a buddy's ex saying that he hates me for being a close friend to this girl was being stupid! My buddy never really had her heart seriously set on the relationship. I think I might have given her ex the wrong advice but I did have good intentions. I think playing it safe was the way to go but he got mad about it, so yeah, he was being stupid about it in the end.