Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just Going Beserk Random

Okay, this is going to be something interesting that I'm going to be asking random girls with. The question is- if a woman sees two guys walking very close together, does she consider them gay? It will be interesting and I think it could start an okay conversation as a pickup line. This question came from my friend being a little insecure about me walking too close to him because he wants to feel like a straight woman is yelling at him to get away from me haha or something like that.

These days I'm actually relying on those commitment things now because I really see how it fits my life healthy. I'm actually more free from those distractions and seriously being able to place all those raw affectionate emotions into one manageable relationship would be so precious and awesome. I'm also about wanting to live according to God's Word even though it's considerably hard to many unbelievers to live that lifestyle of purity but honestly, it's a good road to follow for a true believer. I'm not saying all Christians think like they're goody two shoes type of people- look to some Roman Catholics instead and some of them might deny their faith in Christ so that they could keep their own life. This is what did happen during the great persecution that was run by some former Roman Emperor named Nero. Nero was like a very nasty son of a spiteful woman because he ended up murdering his own mother too! Man, he was such a psychotic guy.

Okay, I'm going to say that I have room for actual love in a good spousal partnership, after I stop getting distracted with my business endeavors. It's not going to stop until I have enough to pay off everything I owe. I see that once I pay off everything; I will be making very good profit with my own business and really be strolling along. I'm going to work very hard to achieve this now because I think it's part of my dream to do this now.

I'm really glad that I'm so much more comfortable with myself now. Making some commitments has been a good key to getting to where I want to get to. I'm pretty much going to still try to make myself taller because I don't want to surprise myself carrying on good conversations with mostly taller girls; okay, that doesn't make sense, I mean to say a lot of girls are about my height right now anyway but reaching a little taller height would be not so surprising to me when I do carry good conversations with a girl haha. I pretty much have to work out 6 times a week to make it happen, I think haha. The only way to see if I can get taller is to actually try it out and see if it works- I found that it worked on me because I grew an inch from some of those exercises. I'm going to see if I can gain some more inches. It's just about commitment and trying stuff out that the person is interested in and sticking to it without really stressing out about it.