Saturday, April 16, 2011

Learning Something From A Person's Life

I attended a funeral yesterday for a person I knew from high school and felt a little sad to say goodbye to him. It looks like he led a very successful and happy family life, but surprisingly the Lord took him into His kingdom while he was still pretty young and will be missed by family and friends. He was even an organ donor. He had a very generous heart and was extremely talented with computers and music graduating from UCLA while going on to become an entrepreneur out of it and then his life pretty much succumbed to a brain aneurysm.

Alluding to how he died, I know someone whose really special because she survived a life threatening situation which was probably genetic. On a certain date which I don't know when, the girl I've been trying to write extra nice about out of wanting to be her friend and trying to calm her senses down from having a panic attack with me because I truly care for her had a brain aneurysm awhile ago as a college student and she survived through it! Amazing, because she's really a joyful person to be around; I was such an idiot from not feeling like a good friend to her and being angry about her Facebook stance with me haha. It's all good now and that's past history.

I'm accidentally clicking on my back button that's on my mouse because I instinctively feel scared about having revealed too much about her. I'm going to be sensitive about this to the best of my ability, while I presume what I want to write. The pretty cute woman I'm describing is Betty haha- I'm sort of laughing about the thought in putting moves on her but I guess just trying to write good stuff about her is making my mind feel a little more healthy. People can assume that I like Betty, but I'm really just interested in having a pretty good friendship with her. So yeah, I guess I do like Betty now and don't feel angry anymore with anything about her. Overall, Betty is really a good girl and is into contributing to society. Plus, I was getting a little lucky with her too haha.

Okay, the good thing that's coming out of the repetitive mess that could make people laugh at finding what I'm putting there, is me finding some good things to write about. I'm pretty much avoiding playing video games right now when I'm by myself at this computer because it's really time consuming haha. I guess I would feel better working on something challenging like designing and engineering software that could influence others in a positive way now. It's because I'm behind a lot financially and the only way I'm going to get somewhere is to challenge myself to stick to something that I feel inspired with and happy to work on. I'm glad that it works in accordance with God's laws, so yeah that would be my recommendation to someone down in the slumps with nothing to do. It would be seek out something a person would like doing for the rest of his or her life while it ties in God's Word- it will seriously make the person successful financially and help solve the issues of laziness and some boredom.