Saturday, April 9, 2011

Letting Go Of Anger

It seems like sometimes a person just wants to blame another person for an action he or she took, whether it be out of ignorance or anything. I'm sometimes tempted to blame even my own mom for going through a rut at times but now I feel that it isn't necessary because I wouldn't be where I am today. This whole pointing fingers type of thing just isn't going to cut it for me anymore. While I didn't know what was going on, I really didn't try to minimize a situation but just kept carrying forward to the best of my abilities and surely enough, things didn't come out the way I really wanted them to. After having put some thought, I now can laugh about the whole issue. I seriously know now that I'm going to be okay for the long run.

It wasn't really me to blame in the end after all for anything. I was always giving it my best and just felt a little setback which was hard to deal with. It's just the personality of people that ends up with them treating you really horrible and others taking note of it later. Everything that happened on my end isn't bad, after all. Man, all I can really do now is just continue to grind away and adjust to situations that feel like holding you back. This is what makes a person human and more worthy.