Monday, April 4, 2011

Putting Hard Work In Perspective

Yesterday, I watched the movie Limitless with a friend and for being a guy who paid 12 bucks to see a movie, I thought it was a pretty fun film to go see. The critics are talking about its interesting usage of visual effects, instead of really the story plot which was pretty interesting. Some of my friends talked to me about how my field of trading was on the movie- it's true in how profits can be made really fast but the guy became a total genius with a quadruple I.Q. score from taking the smart pill haha.

In actuality, I believe that my field of trading is very risky so to make a decent living off of it- one really needs a formula and to seek consistent gains instead of always seeking out hitting a grand slam homer every time. In other words, it could take plenty of time to get used to it before seeing a decent earning that allows one to create a means of living off of it. Let's jump back over to the movie a little because I want to relate something about it to life.

The movie talks about how people can only use 20% of their brains- according to the Wikipedia article of the movie Limitless, an expert said that humans can use 100% of their brains sometimes and that the 20% saying is just a myth. Wow, I didn't really know that haha. For myself, I'm seeing that if people really dedicate themselves to getting good at something then they have a great chance of getting good at it which should be common sense and logical. If we factor in the less than optimal levels of brain waves surging through an activity, I believe that just a continual rinse and review will pretty much become like second nature and then promote growing bigger of knowledge and expertise in the desired field of the person's choosing. To put it in other words relating to the movie, if we let 20% of brain activity stick like human nature we can then let it add up until we get to 100% haha. The problem I see with some people these days, probably dealing with older folks, is the lack of motivation to go educate themselves again. Maybe, it could be because they would feel like a failure and that life has been reversed and that they wouldn't know how to rewind the clock because they'd still be the same person. I would recommend a lazy person to just turn off the television on a Saturday afternoon and go take a walk and then let that leisurely pace build into a fun repertoire. I believe that physical activity really helps keep an individual from burning out and motivated to be productive. I'm going to go do an hour of hiking later today. It's a little tiresome, but fun getting to see some cool birds and trying to chase slick lizards haha. I even got to see a wild honey bee nest which was unfortunately taken down- I was going to stick my hand in for honey when the beehive looked ready haha.