Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ready For The Big Struggle

I wrote a message to Betty Lam, the person who probably used to get to that church I've been writing about. Yeah, she has me blocked on Facebook and I still managed to message her on Facebook; yeah, I'm a con-artist; I opened up a fake account that I had for awhile. I just did it to try to boost my Friends count on Facebook because I thought it would look good- yeah, I'm a loser for doing it but I can't help myself. I wrote to Betty using one of my female accounts and said something like "You know me, but you don't know the real me" haha. The female account has only one friend and it's me- I pretty much used those accounts to try to start a fake and funny conversation- like "Oh, you're so hot. Come over and be with my baby" haha. I'll reveal something that I never really wanted to- the girl I'm in a relationship with on my Facebook is a fake haha so I'm guessing nobody knew that out of the water because I made her seem like a very funny girl. 

The reason why I'm writing about it is because I want to make sure I didn't do anything bad to her in what I did. I guess I'm just trying to set up an agenda with her. Something in the back of my mind wants to go, "Think again, buddy." I pretty much talked about some legal issues on that message so yeah, it felt a little intense for me. I did say I think I like her one time, even though I meant it as in friendship so I guess I'm trying to move it along still. I'm trying to go easy on Betty with the things I'm aggressively trying to reveal, so it's going to be really hard to not seem like I'm blowing up all over her in a legally assertive way that pretty much wouldn't be able to constitute a sensible restraining order. For the most part, I'm opening up a great deal in the honest fashion and not using the way of a drug junkie or drunkard haha. This honesty isn't about ending her life; I'll get it straight- it's about making up. I really like how Betty's blocked calls with me is pretty much just a busy signal. I need to ask her what service provider she really has because I'm starting to not really care about Betty's treatment towards me- obviously, I won't let her walk all over me; just wondering because I want to try that too to those weird people I've been writing about. I'll find a way to force them to call me and then they get a busy signal haha.

The whole message in its entirety is very personal, so I'm not going to be a dummy and lay down my trashy message if it's deemed to be that way. The funny and very horrible thing would be to accidentally send that message to the weird lady Lee who put a restraining order on me. Man, I was never into her like that so why did she say I was stalking her? Man, I was more onto a dude than I was to her even though I'm considerably straight and that should mean that I gave her plenty of space. I think she just wanted to give me a hard time in the way girls sometimes try to do things but end up getting too messy and possibly looking crazy and hurting their reputations because of it.

Just because I'm writing very elaborately and not trying to make Betty look bad and for myself look decent, doesn't mean that I'm trying to accomplish something bad on here. I'm not trying to create some female faction against me because I sort of feel what they're going through nowadays. I'm still straight so I won't use it to my advantage that much- just want to play fair and be nice about it. Looks like I'm ready and will be long due when I go back to that insane church and discover how someone like how some weird person on my list left. I think the only adjustment I made to it is what I'm happy with- leaving Betty out of the list.