Sunday, April 21, 2013

Been Very Busy

I guess it seems like I've been keeping my mind focused on other things that I really haven't had the time to really write on this blog. It's really hard for me to stay consistent for me even though I have done so for the last three years. It's pretty amazing with the interesting stuff I have written in the past. I still am amazed at the content I have put and how much humor and amusement I actually had while not really noticing it.

This is something new that I'm finally learning. I don't really care too much about the little things in people anymore. What I mean is that it's not going to really bother me so much anymore and talking about it with the person might just feel too weird. If I do end up going that road, I'm probably just going to end up being nice with the person and end up making that person look really bad with others. Later, I would probably suggest they get some professional help or something like that.

I don't know why, but I just like pushing the envelope in those types of areas. It's definitely a really annoying thing about myself. I'm not really so much hurt about things that are said to me; I mean I might feel a little uneasy temporarily but afterwards, it doesn't really get to me anymore. I'm taking a little more notice with some people, in like how they might have a really good impression about me or they might be complete jerks and wackos with me.