Sunday, April 21, 2013

Using Your Imagination

Today, with one of those really cute girls who I just go to know as a friend because she seems like a young high schooler who barely graduated and is still a teenager, I spoke to her about using your imagination. It's pretty interesting how some very young females can really be mature and whereas, there are a couple who are pretty wild and actually quite open about it in a funny way. Those wild girls can actually be really nice to people in general if they are sensitive creatures.

Anyway, I spoke to her about what she said looked like a tree house. I pretty much said it looked like a house where my pet could live in. It was pretty boring what I said and then I said that I was using my imagination. One of the guys overhearing our conversation threw an identifiable object at me and it hit me too very accurately! It was his hat. Wow, I guess a guy really has to be incited to do something like that with another guy.

I just remembered how cool it was to be in one of my friend's tree house. I just thought it was a prop back then, but now looking back, it was really cool, I got to climb the ladder and go up to that house and actually lay there and do stuff there. I never had a chance to bring a girl up there, but oh well. I'm sure my friend might have and then became engaged to her the year after. I remember something like that from his mom telling me. Things just change fast.