Sunday, April 21, 2013

Things Becoming More Greener

I guess through desiring to focus on the right things these days, it doesn't seem to be that much hard anymore. Maybe that's pretty much a $1 billion concept for a few people; get out of town, no way, right? In one sentence, I'm pretty much giving away a simple idea that is just so hard to master. Fortunately, no one has to be perfect to become a billionaire! My friend said that he wanted to be the first trillionaire, which is funny to even think a fully grown man would say something like that. I want to be a millionaire, billionaire, or trillionaire too!

Maybe with the exception of inflation growing so high, then maybe we won't see a trillionaire in this century. I am basically talking about money in dollar signs because I am sure maybe some currencies could reach astronomical values and still be considered worthless in the eyes of a billionaire!