Monday, April 29, 2013

Funny Result With "Betty"

The woman I wrote about Betty Lam is a real person who probably read a few of my blog posts and then became scared off from attending that odd church which made me mad! I called her up and received the usual "Stop calling me" and hanging up. One day, I left her a message and asked her "Does my height have anything to with it?" and also said "Do you want me to stop talking to you?" I called her up and she said that my height had nothing do with it even though she is a little taller than me still.

It's pretty cute what Betty went through with me. She completely lost it in her train of thought and was thinking that I am someone she can't get along with, especially after we were coexisting really well with each other. Her reason was that she couldn't understand me and so she turned that into an excuse for becoming estranged with me. That's cool, I don't harbor any bad feelings for her.

Honestly, I think no matter how annoyed a person gets with another person, she should be able to talk about the incident in a mature manner and not be so closed-minded. It lets me know that Betty had some pretty big worries that she couldn't share with everyone and how she should seek after a psychological consultation to try to manage the stressful feelings that others cause her.

Anyhow, Betty made me laugh so much when she said that she was going to change her number because of me and that's when I haven't found the interest of calling her back. It's like she would go through all that effort of affecting her life insurance business and selling herself as a really friendly and secure individual for nothing because I'm not even moving a finger to try to communicate with her now. I guess she was living a lie and not being really true to herself and could possibly use a caring professional psychologist to help her out with some personal stress management issues.