Monday, September 28, 2015

Willful Discipline

Realizing that I have all of this addiction underneath me, I guess I'm just settling for being by myself for the rest of my life! Other than that, I want to do some things and when I wake up, I'm just like not in the mood because I feel a little groggy about it. It's like forcing myself to get up and go to work even though I don't feel like going.

It's pretty much how I'm living my life on a daily basis for now. I know what I want, but don't really get at it because I let other distractions get to me first. I would like to change it and do something about it these days. This is what I'm trying to do now. I don't really have any health concerns for my short stature. I just occasionally feel a little bit of anger, and I guess that's where Napoleon received his complex from. He's one of those short sociopaths I guess who made it to the top.

I definitely act like I have the Napoleon complex when I'm mad for any reason with people. I have acted very inappropriate and scared people into doing stuff for me out of control and intimidation while being a short, young man. Those days feel like they are good because I would rather subject the people I'm ticked off at to my ridiculing and nonverbal harassment. When I'm in motion with something and doing it at my fullest potential, I can sometimes cause good things to occur even while facing setbacks like Al Bundy did in Married With Children.