Monday, July 25, 2016

Trying To Manage Time Better

One of the things I'm noticing is that it's really a lot about commitment. I don't even think about others that much, but people seem to be taking notice of me these days. With the levels of familiarity I have with people, being a short guy, I seem to be just very calm and just genuine. Sometimes, I've been getting the whole "What's wrong type of deal?" from people. They ask me, "What's wrong?" I guess I haven't really said anything and just stay quiet. When I did open up to someone, I just talked and the guy ended up being entertained with me I guess and just laughed.

I'm literally just starting to laugh at my own comments and evoking personal happiness with it. I guess I love trying to make others laugh to in a wonderful way to just entertain them and help make the day go by smoother. I think it just makes sense that some guys would want to be friends with me and be helpful with me. I mean it's family that I'm dealing with and it's the emotional connection that one can just relate to. It's a part of being together. We even talking about what we do in our bathroom business. I just don't like say bad words in general. I won't even write it out because for me, I feel it's inappropriate for me.

It's just become second nature for me and I won't say it and it will be so hard for me to repeat bad words verbatim if someone ever questioned me in court and asked me to say them while acting in a play or something. Actually, I might just say it verbatim if I had to in court and was under oath. I don't think there's really any sinfulness in that underneath the heart, but the likelihood of that is minuscule for me.

I'm a weirdling who happens to believe and tries to follow Jesus. I need to continue to practice self-awareness and go after something in a resourcefully abundant world. There's a lot of things one can do to stay occupied while waiting for the Lord's coming, but I shouldn't spend too much time on wasteful activities that are just plain fun. Not too much to lose track of time and not get anything productive done.