Sunday, May 21, 2017

Smack Talk From 8 Years Ago

*** Wow, I didn't know how smart I was back then. I just lacked a little confidence from holding back with actually writing this e-mail. It's definitely a wow and yeah, the guy I was talking trash to was being stupid. He's a pastor too which is unbelievable! ***

It was a mistake for me to write that repentance letter because I never knew how you would fail to be satisfied. I should have never really agreed with you in the beginning. You state stop when someone says to stop. I'll tell you to stop talking to anyone in general. Will you stop? I hope you say no. That example in itself illustrates being unreasonable. I accuse you of being unreasonable and that is why I ask you all these questions to clarify yourself.

You never really explained yourself clearly. You did not answer my questions in the beginning in a clear manner. I've asked something over and over again and you have not answered it. You have now given into it. That is why you are unreasonable. I want you to stop being unreasonable with me. If you don't stop I will take unbelievable measures against you.