Friday, May 26, 2017

Writing To Old Enemy's Acquaintance

*** This one goes out to Annie, who was the leader of the doomed care group in Hope of God LA. It's pretty funny now to realize that for me. I actually liked her in a physical way, but I couldn't come to terms with it because I ended up hating something she does in general! ***

*** This message seems to take on a tone that's a lot more pleasant and also has that leading mentality that ambitious guys should have. It was a pretty healthy composition for me, compared to people like Stupid Lee, Oyuri the Schmuck, Jarred, Chai, Golf, Chris, and Betty who all crossed the line with me. ***

I was physically attracted to you and don't know why. My mom disapproved lol. I was turned off by something you did that I perceived to be wrong. It's just the way it went. I'm interested in being friends with you again and if you can't accept that then I think you need to get some help to move on with whatever the issue was. It's too long to be still feeling resentful after putting it aside and it popping back up for you to react negatively.

I'm very good at talking trash in a nice way and can offend just about anybody, if I sense the person gets mad about something. I did that with most of you guys. Hey! I was having trouble open up and most of you guys had to act dumb with me about it. lol.

Let's see why I was attracted to you physically. I think I like your body type and when you mentioned you work out, it was additional points for my mental books haha. I'm not going to write about sexual stuff on here regarding you, but I think I did well overall as a guy trying to develop into a decent friend.

There's nothing wrong with pursuing friendship and it isn't dating to begin with or impeding on a person's privacy. It's a natural occurrence that's blessed by God because people need one another to connect. It's the way life is intended and despite these hick-ups, it's not like they can't be avoided anyway. To be mature about it and to be able to push through it is amazing and to have a great outlook like I do now, it's definitely not a bad agenda to go after. I think you owe me an apology man lol!