Monday, May 15, 2017

Trash Talk in Christian Mode

Hey you are the guy from Hope of God LA right? I was maybe wondering on the small Bible study groups. I've heard some things about you.

That's because I'm [name witheld] and you suck and I will beat the living snot out of you if you attack me. I will incite you to put a restraining order on me. That would be so funny. A gay looking and funny looking guy like yourself putting a restraining order because you still have issues over wanting to be my friend.

Go get some professional help dude over getting over whatever it was that you can't let go because if you did, you would have no problems being a friend. That's what I want dude and if you can't do that then too bad because I'm putting a restraining order back on you.

I am this time going to scream and shout at you and will go for making you look bad. Let's see who you really are with all the Jesus shine being run out of you and you being tempted to want to throw yourself into the lake of fire! It's going to be done by me stupid idiot. Yeah I'll call you Mr Stupid Idiot too.

I had trouble opening up and you had to be such a dufus over it! I will give you a full mouth to chew on this time with me spilling truth and love. I'm just messing half of it from talking trash, but I was having fun dude. I'll have this type of fun and I will try to drive you so crazy that you will want to lock yourself into a mental hospital and spend solitary confinement rest of your days. 

So yeah, that's me dude. I'm a fully grown man on the inside and can open up and also freely use you as a punching bag and get away with it legally if you try to attack me physically and make it look that way by inciting you. Hey, I'll be doing self-defense from the sake of making you angry and even better all for my enjoyment because I know you'll suck at defending yourself against me! 

I feel a whole lot better dude, peace.