Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Setting Priorities

I guess making friends is great too and trying to socialize with new attractive people. There's pretty much nothing wrong with doing that then. A lot of the issues that I'm dealing with is pretty much not having time to do the things that I'm interested in. It would be awesome if everyday had like 30 hours instead of 24 but it's not happening, this is how God and man balanced out our days.

Imagining myself with the world having 30 hours per day, I would probably complain about not having enough time again anyway. Everything needs a balance for me and my thoughts need to adjust for as such. I think I'm just going to have to need patience and plan my steps out in a detailed manner while making it all count.

I guess from me going all crazy with some estranged friends in the past, I made them think that I'm a psycho. I never really thought of myself to be that type of person. I guess admitting that I got a restraining order from an old estranged friend who accused me of being a terrorist behind my back changes things. Well, I guess it's just drama from girls then and they don't really want to see it that way and just want to think that I'm some crazy person. It's the way girls are sometimes. They are stupid in that manner and just can't help it because that's who they are. I have come to an acceptance with those stupid girls in my life.

Let's be 100% detailed here and cover everything without leaving anything out to the point that people will just poke fun at me. The main thing is just blocking out angry thoughts and staying in control and thinking through the situation. I'll just do whatever I feel like man in the end.