Saturday, August 21, 2021

Staying Committed

I've decided to try something new with creating a Top 10 tasks list and trying to get it all accomplished. 

This means that I'm going to have to be committed to prioritizing doing these things first before anything else. I want to also make sure that there will always be ten things to do on a daily basis. I will be adding and removing things all the time and reorganizing the first ten rows based on my order of doing things. I'm going to treat them all alike in importance to simplify my new task system. The way I plan to do this is to go for visualizing my whole day and taking care of the most time consuming tasks last. 

Furthermore, I will force myself to come up with tasks if I don't have enough on my plate already so I start developing a small habit out of this. For work, I am maintaining a similar list but will be only the five most important things to get done each done, and it may not even change drastically for a while. We will see how this goes now.