Thursday, August 19, 2021

Understanding the Way to Go

I think it's really a mixture of staying positive, being self-confident and self-disciplined, working hard, and keeping the Faith. This is my personal formula for staying happy with who you are. 

Everything takes progress and times might not always be easy, but once you get used to how things are and eventually get there, then it will keep on getting easier with repeating it. This is pretty much common sense when you look at it. The true Way is really coming to Jesus and it's a difficult narrow path that few will ever fully realize in this world, while there are so many wide paths for many who will be easily led into sin. (John 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14). It's even accidental for Christians to sin on occasion. We can be such ignoramuses and it's something to expect for my future outlook of shallow believers like that past, stupid care group I was forced to deal with! Oh well, it is what it is.

In general, reaching utmost success is a really tough thing for most people, so in a likewise manner there's a spiritual connection that can be made with it. Proverbs 14:23 says that in all toil there is profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. This is sort of saying you have to move into action with your thoughts to get there and put in the laborious effort while being wise about your decisions. If you keep on sticking to a few bad choices in life, then it will inevitably lead you to poverty. 

If you are a slave to money by loving it, then it's going to be inherently evil because you'll obviously care a lot less about taking advantage of others for your selfish gain, even if you ignore that aspect. If not, then you can be a generous giver like Job was in the Bible and be a well-regarded person in society out of having that type of good and satisfied heart. For example, you can show kindness and mercy to the disable, ill, vulnerable, and elderly who are unable to work anymore (Zechariah 7:9-10).

Regardless of my crazy past with stupid conflicts that didn't bring me down ultimately in the end but made me stronger and more discerning about people's real intentions instead, I have realized all of these people may be negligible to my life. They have failed to be movers and shakers with me, which means active influential people. I could have continuously returned the favor to get some laughs, but it's only single-minded entertainment, which I seem to be noted for being quite funny at sometimes.