Monday, August 23, 2021

Staying Concentrated on Main Tasks

I think it really comes down to knowing the main thing you have to do and then just going after laboring to get it done. Some things are a lot harder than others and will require a ton of concentration and effort. In the end, if you enjoy it and it's helping you get by in life then it's probably going to be worth it. For myself, I've chosen to be a patient investor and long-term trader for earning a comfortable living.

To make money, I need a job so I figure now that I'm supposed to be somewhere along the lines of a software engineer. I don't mind combining hardware and software as well and even making the physical parts of a computer to earn money in this field. From this income I make, I can set aside some of it for making money in the financial markets I have chosen. It's starting to make sense with how I want to go about doing things. 

Overall, I think it's about committing to daily effort while being smart about it as best as possible and maintaining a positive attitude.