Monday, December 13, 2021

Main Things

I think it really comes down to having confidence and building chemistry with the girl a guy wants to be with. Obviously, it gets a lot easier if both are each other's type. My type is simple. She has to be a very nice person and someone who I want to always get intimate with! 

I've learned something new that I should apply. If any lady, even if she's a friend, says that I'm like a brother to her, I can just say something along the lines of how I'm still busy working on reaching my goals and/or she isn't perfect while agreeing that I could be dating someone else. If I don't really like her after thinking about it in that way, then I can just tell her that she isn't my type and apologize to her about it while laughing. 

The past in dealing with others who turned crazy with me is ironically centered around the subject just being all about me. I accept it with a lot of positivity now and some hidden feel-good laughter.