Friday, December 31, 2021

Reaching Goal as Fast as Possible

As of this moment, I'm doing the best I can to be awesome at my day job so that I can gain so much more job experience and take it with me to the next one if I'm forced to. 

For my side endeavors, I'm dabbling mainly in stocks and Forex. I'm slowly building upon experience with holding and trading cryptocurrency assets and playing fast-fold online Poker. These are the main things that I want to be decent enough at to diversify my good and bad days while balancing out to a net worth over a million dollars someday. I'll be happy with just that amount and then start chilling while looking for a genuinely nice lady to settle down with. 

I've made a little progress in my non-dating life. I have a confirmed soulmate friend who is a girl! She really isn't perfect and I think it really just irritates me thinking about her being with someone else, so I guess it reminds me to pick up the pace and work harder to reach my goal so that I can then place my next goal on looking for someone to settle down with. I think I'll just be constantly irritated whenever she's dating someone and I think about it until I'm with a good girlfriend! As of this moment, I'm not interested in trying to get with her but I have started to argue with her to accept the idea of dating short guys who are like me.