Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Years

At this point, I don't really care anymore about a few mistakes from some peers causing me some emotional grief and anger management issues. I was crazy to get out of it without prescribing any therapy. It's because I felt very strongly that I would have wanted to keep on slapping the shriek, if I ever did show up for a session. It took me a very long time to figure it out. However, it always feels like I finally understood everything only yesterday. 

What has helped me so much is changing up my brain chemistry with some positivity and self-confidence! I only discovered this inspired route maybe two years ago, so that's probably why it still feels so fresh to me. The next thing I practiced was just totally being myself 24-7, so it meant being totally honest even in uncomfortable situations. I have been considered to be brave to a normally attractive buddy with social anxiety (not my type, but still very protective of her), especially when it came to opening up about my true feelings with my soulmate when she got into a new relationship. I'm currently on a break with her and feel happier to be working on clearing my angry feelings with her. It's just that I totally wish she was more open with me about this relationship besides trying to play it lowkey with me more smoothly. I feel like I can't trust her thoughts about her dating life so much anymore. 

It's probably that she's quite into public affection, which made me more incensed to make me feel like I'm going to get back at her by dating a partner who is just a hair better than her. This is what I'm very motivated to do right now. I might even settle with this goodhearted woman I find next, since my soulmate and I have already made up our minds to never be with each other anyway! We're still soul friends, as complex as this interpersonal conflict has driven us into so far.