Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jury Duty On Valentine's Day

I got a weird notice last month, which was to show up for a Jury Duty summons tomorrow. I might get out of it, but I'm not too sure because I do have enough time to show up for listening to a trial. I've also served in a jury before, and I was the last panel that was selected which was a bummer for me back then.

I think with my problems dealing with people- the ones who were overreacting quite a bit no longer want to do that with me now. The world as a whole does not care about these little things that I did which wouldn't even make sense to get angry about anyway unless the person was just mentally unstable to begin with. I have a knack for slightly crazy people whether I know them or to really want to distance themselves from me or show some aggressive sign of it through anything. I guess I shouldn't really worry about it too much then because I'm ensured more privacy anyway.