Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Making the Attempt

I remember how in living life and creating goals, I would always disappoint myself after playing long hours of video games and trying to conquer other online players. I would feel like I lost track of time and that I would have to wait for another day to get into starting my new objectives. What I think really works is like how I believe the God of the Bible operates. It's never too late to start on something after having an epiphany.

Hopefully by being engaged in what you want to do, you will stop doing the stupid activities that make you feel depressed. These activities we long for are pretty much goals that are extremely challenging, and I think it's just like that for a purpose. The hardest part is the feelings of dealing with how hard it is or being bored from not being at the satisfied place and never giving up. My closest friends have given up a great deal in life and are not making too many strides anymore after having made wonderful progress while being young and in college. I guess they feel that their time is ticking and already accepting a possibility of a negative outcome.

This really isn't the wisest way to live for a man! I think a man is supposed to just man up and live up to anything getting in his way to go after the ultimate prize he wants to obtain. Therefore, after feeling so much guilt and shame in wasting my time- I conclude that once realizing it with the epiphany and starting on it and trying to maintain it then even though others may not see it, at least the self will be making healthy progress and eventually turn into something more optimistic and satisfying even if the times are rough! Just pursue after success in life and learn valuable mistakes from putting forth the best foot forward at all situations; just don't commit any crimes that get you locked up, that's all I got to say.