Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Making New Attempt

I'm going to really try something from the bottom of my heart. I realize that I have trouble letting go of some things I become very emotionally reliant on for personal happiness. It's like I'm impatient about receiving something I want so badly and am trying to take shortcuts as a result. In the end, however, I don't end up happy but start back at the same place I've always been. It's time for me to make all of that change.

In the past I used to fury and anger to accomplish my personal ambitions in life and to a point, it did work. I don't know, but for some reason, with the cycle repeating itself, things just felt too empty to keep progressing forward. With all this time to myself that I'm getting, why would I want to wallow in anger with bitterness and distrust towards others?

Wait a minute, I think I'm starting to think of something useful to understand. I believe that sometimes people in general might feel some people belong to an exceptions category whether it's being positive or negative, like being black and white and contend with all their energy to make this possibility a result. In a way, they are putting up an emotional fight to try to live the way they want to. The fun part is limiting them from reaching their goals sometimes or actually beating them at their own game. I now realize that I'm not an exception to how people can feel negative about me and do some interesting weird things to me as a result.