Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Direction

My mind is unusually scrambling up to the last minute. I guess I like to think about living while having really no responsibilities from time to time. I just know that it's all a process and if the person really desires something and works very hard for it, then eventually something's going to have to happen.

Again, it's just having this really positive attitude in life no matter what the person is going through. It just seems to really help out in those moments where things just feel a little cluttered and messy. Pretty much, I believe that the mind is a terrible thing to waste and that something should be done about it, if the person isn't living up to his or her full potential.

It's really easy now for me to just shut down and not fulfill any responsibilities. I don't really feel that guilty or have that conscious of letting others down now. I do however want to labor really hard and get to an outstanding position that would be just amazing to achieve. It's like all of these steps of how I want to live my life is coming at me all of a sudden. I can see how engaging in watching movies or T.V. which might be good from time to time for relaxing could really interfere with personal development in areas of going after a career. First thing is first, I'm leaving behind my emotional attachments to things I have been addicted to in the past and now realize isn't really going to be of any help to me.