Saturday, February 16, 2013

Moving On Rightfully

This is pretty much my own way of putting how I have been living my life. I don't think I should pretty much emphasize so much on something I feel angry about with another person. Even if it was my mistake, if I did the best I can to fix it and it just didn't go the way I wanted to then might as well just accept defeat and carry forward.

There's something that I wish to address personally. I'm thinking of something called a grinder's heaven while you're living. How I see is that life is all a grind because in order to live a life or be in existence, we have to strive for something or you're body is just naturally going to do it for you by producing cells. When we fuel our bodies with food and water then it's pretty much an instinctual way of survival.

What I'm thinking is that we should all be grinding on something really worthwhile so that later when we look back at what we did we wouldn't really have any regrets about it, if that thing we were so hoping for didn't come to pass. I'm sure we are going to hit our rough patches on the road which gets us doubting about who we are sometimes.

In other words, I'm thinking that when we make a decision to not do something then we shouldn't even try to go back to it by not even thinking about it and then later see where it got us to.