Friday, July 31, 2015

How It Looks

I'm finding out that even though I don't like my job that much, I've been very busy with it lately. My plans are to pretty much save up my money and invest it. That's all I really have going for me now I guess.

I don't really want to work in general, so why go to school in the first place? I might as well just go for my goal of being a millionaire with what I have going for myself right now. Maybe, I'll go finish my master's later in life when work has gone pretty slow and there's nothing much to do.

I'm thinking that in a matter of few years, I will have enough money from doing my own side business to be able to call it quits now. I really have the tenacity for it and I also enjoy it even though it feels a little stressful sometimes. It's a really unique way of earning a living and that's what I like to call it.