Thursday, April 14, 2016

Controlling the Mood

I've read that calming the mind can be pretty relaxing by learning to meditate. Honestly, I think it's really hard to meditate on the Word of God. It would be quite troublesome actually to try to recall passages that seem so hard to understand. Yet, going through all of that process and eventually just looking up interpretations from Biblical scholars and sitting through it a little and relying on other verses to double check their work is trustworthy, I find that God's Word is totally rewarding and can put a protective shield around one's heart.

One of the latest things that I ignored reading in the Bible is that a man who vents all of his frustrations is a fool! The wise man knows how to control those emotions and not show it to everybody. I'm now honestly going this route because I seriously believe that it's true and has some deep meaning.

Instead of being a stupid and unfair man who yells at everybody for causing him some anger issues, I'd rather stay calm and knowledgeable with the situation I'm dealing with currently.