Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Getting Used To Things

Sometimes, you just can't have everything in life. I think God's ways are really there to protect us from getting in some deep trouble. True, conflict exists and some people will be fortunate enough to figure out their own mess. This doesn't really happen for everyone though.

Well, I found out the girl I like has already been dating someone for like a few years. We have gotten along really well as friends. I mean I'm really grateful that I learned to be patient with people from texting her on a long term scale. She's still someone who can be a nice friend to talk to over the years and developments.

Anyway, she's so cool and I guess I might be able to meet other cool people as well. I mean I could meet someone who could be a lot better for me than her. This could be a wonderful opportunity to go on that search, so even though I feel a little sad about not having the happiness in the moment, it's still pretty cool to think and laugh about. I'm still enjoying having a friendship with her and just hanging out to do fun stuff. It's just talking and being cool with each other. She makes me laugh, and I can see her providing nice advice in the future.