Thursday, April 21, 2016

Totally Behind Here

It feels like this blog is just practically a whole bunch of just putting them random sentences to just keep my mind occupied. Maybe I should just start writing stories that have no coherence at all! Sure, a few people I show this website will be like whoa, you actually have one. I didn't know about this guy. Next thing you know, some guy is misunderstanding me and then making all of these rude assumptions about me.

It happens I guess and for some reason, I don't really know, I'm just trying to be cool with everybody. Actually, for the most part, I really am and I guess I've been letting some little things get to me about people. It's those little things that keep me from connecting with them. Well, everybody goes through problems and this spunky site of mine where I just get to write sentences that I find funny just to entertain myself and anyone else who just happened to find it, I don't really know what else to say now.