Thursday, April 21, 2016

Guess I'm Meant For One-on-One Interaction

I can't really appeal to the masses that well because it always leaves me feeling uncomfortable and disgruntled. I just have that personal wave of discomfort underneath me. This one girl thought I needed some speech therapy so she recommended that I go to this one person. I don't know what she was smoking, but from how she said it, she was just handed a Master's in Psychology for just letting her mind run however she wanted to when it came to her analysis. Man, she was a bit hairy literally and also taller than me too, so yeah, I couldn't help but feel not very attracted to her and also I don't know why, I wasn't that intimidated by her.

I think I was just feeling pressured a lot because I wanted to say the right things and act the proper way all the time. I was afraid of getting mad when people started to go out of their way to try to give me bad advice. I felt like I was going to lose it so badly, that I ended up doing passive aggressive attacks to redirect my frustrations and then they received them and couldn't cope with anger I had already been learning to come to terms with all my life.