Thursday, April 28, 2016

Made Up Story About The Calculator

Johnathan was having a hard time enjoying his life in high school. He wanted to get into an Ivy League school because he just felt a special calling to be there. Early on, he just knew that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his role model George W. Bush, who went to Yale University and also attended Harvard Business School. Little did America know this, but some critics mocked President Bush's inability to pronounce words properly.

Johnathan became angry with himself while trying to memorize concepts in his Organic Chemistry text book. "I'm just not getting this and it's almost already 12 am," thought Johnathan while he stretched and yawned at his desk. He took out his TI-83 Plus calculator and then started putting in all the formulas he needed because the chemistry teacher would not allow notes for the exams. By the time it was 2 am, Johnathan had created a simple program that would solve some tedious equations by inputting numbers into it. He ended up with an A+ on his exam and reasoned with himself to not brag about it with his peers, out of apprehension of being outed as a cheater. Johnathan was also a candidate for valedictorian at his high school.