Thursday, April 28, 2016

Made Up Story- Day Of Baking Pizza

SNIFF! SNIFF! Kyle was suffering from seasonal hay fever while in his early 30s'. He managed to finally land a job as pizza maker to help pay for his school tuition. He was barely making it and managed to live in his crammed and cozy apartment for a few years. I'm not going back to my crazy folks, thought Kyle to himself. The last he had heard from then was a minute ago because his mother was constantly texting him insecure messages. Come back home Sweetie. Mamma has got some nice T-bone steak cooked for you and some of your favorite apple pie. This was one of the latest texts that was going through Kyle's mind.

The food was always good, but fortunately I have a fast metabolism, thought Kyle. I could live off of just free pizza for ten years.

"Heck, I could just eat toppings to get my daily vitamins in. Let's see, there's tomatoes, bell peppers, anchovies - yum yum (!) my mouth is getting so watery, mushrooms. Man, how can I go wrong? I got this, " Kyle said out loud to himself.

One of his subordinates gave him an odd stare and had an expression that showed neither fear nor approval. AHHH CHOO! AHH CHOO! AHHH CHOO! Kyle started sneezing uncontrollably while he was working with the flour. He accidentally sent powdery substances to the strong air vents and soon enough the whole kitchen was covered in smoke that was a mixture of Kyle's saliva and powder.

Kyle's assistant Ace started coughing and waving at the air as he reached for a cloth to cover his mouth. While scrambling to go tell on Kyle, Ace ended up burning one of his hands in the oven by accident.

"I can't see, it's too cloudy in here Kyle!" yelped Ace.
"Let me help guide you out of there," said Kyle smoothly as he grabbed his assistant's burned hand.
"Ouch! You are hurting me! Let go!"

"Go home Kyle!" yelled his angry boss. "Get those allergies fixed. Here take some of these my doctor prescribed me to use as a sample."

Kyle swallowed a pill blindly. "Boss let me take care of this mess. I'll help clean up."

"Kyle! Just go home. I've had enough stress and worries for today. You are done for the day. I'm going to clock out for you."

Jerk, thought Kyle as he stood there smiling at his boss and nodding affectionately in approval.