Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Almost Finished

I think the only thing I'm really missing now is doing a work out. I just came home and right away finished reading a chapter of the Bible. I entirely don't understand what I'm reading because it's still the Old Testament. Yet, I'm reading a commentary by a pastor who has taught the whole Bible. He's long passed away now and taught for over 30 years and had his own radio ministry. Reading it has given me a whole lot better insight and I feel sort of bad because it feels like I'm receiving the Word a whole lot better from reading his summary than looking at the Bible.

One of these days, it will connect for me. I think I'm just going to have to continue to pray about receiving the Word and go searching for it. My heart is pretty set on conservatively following it and looking for a way to figure out what the original writers intended to say.

I pretty much just have to work out now to finish up the evening and leave myself open for doing other things. I'm really thinking about playing a little bit of poker each night right now too for real money. It could be a very bad gamble so I don't know exactly. It's just coming across my mind. I did just finish up on working at making good trades.