Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Observation with Experiencing Personal Dates

Okay, this is a fun post that I'm making. Ideally speaking, this blog post isn't really for little kids. I've talked too much about adult-oriented stuff and once again, if pre-teens are on here reading this then hats off to them because they must be geniuses. Try to read a lot basically and find a bankable passion is my advice for them because I sure wish I did those two things as a pre-teen who snooped around with surfing dial-up speed porn. I'm not really proud of having done that and yet, I'm on the clear because I don't think girls I'm into would ever want me to bring it up in the first place and I won't!

From my experiences, I've had petite Asian women interested in being in a relationship with me. They were never my ethnicity at the time which is Korean. It didn't work out for me. I tried and nobody said anything and it was funny I think if people saw me trying to hit on other Korean girls so I got away with it. I never was able to tie myself down to it. Actually there was one Korean girl I was into now that I think of it, but she was a few years older than me and I just felt that was too much for me at the time. Oh yeah there was another Korean girl who was four years younger than me and I thought that was too much too. She hit on me too a few times and people around me didn't make any faces with me or anything. It just seemed normal, but I was overcome with so much panic at the time because I didn't want someone who I felt was too young!

Ah, the concerns of the youth and later on, you figure it would have been better to disregard that one negative aspect about the girl. Oh well, it's time to move forward and learn from those mistakes of being too picky.

My ideal type of girl to marry would be someone who is in a sexual mood and likes to keep herself in good shape and actually looks good. What type of guy really wouldn't want that for himself really anyway? I'm just keeping it real. From my experience, I've found the two white girls I have had a chance to interact with have been the most upfront with their sexuality. In a nutshell, if a white girl has accepted to a date with me and has shown interest with me, she's willing in another sense.

Asian girls have been the sweetest with me. I've left this post alone, so I forgot where my intentions were going with this. I guess overall I'm looking for compatibility and attraction that just keeps on lasting and builds into romantic love. When it comes to dating, it really is like fishing in a sense as a friend described it. Just have to keep making preparations and improvements for the fish that you want to attract and keep around. In a relationship, I like to see it as getting around to doing a lot of fun things together while building intense romantic feelings and  then in marriage, going after having great sex. It's overall hard work for the maintenance and development but it's definitely fun and rewarding. It's way better to go after this for a guy than just masturbating to porn, which I'm guilty of. You know a Christian guy from college even admitted to it and he was leading a Bible study group that I was happy to be a part of. He wanted me to stick around, but I just moved on after awhile.  I didn't get it at the time with all of these emotions and feeling stuck.

I'm starting to get that I was making people mad and then from being nice to them, they just became crazy with me because they weren't scared or anything and was just feeling anguished like a moron. They were in the moment and having a hard time letting it go. I actually spot that now and can flip the tables, so yeah, I do have some intimidation factor for people who struggle to get along with me. For being only 5'3" and having those qualities of working hard and just resiliency even through my mistakes and trying to keep on pulling through, it makes sense that some taller and shorter girls alike would be interested in me. I might as well just be honest and put my best foot forward at the same time because that's how it should be.