Saturday, April 8, 2017

Being Filled With Life

I'm doing a lot of stuff nowadays and don't get me wrong. I'm keeping myself busy in my way and socializing with attractive Asian girls. I seem to have an easier time being friends with them than other guys would. I even hang out with them one-on-one and if one would consider that dating, then I guess it is.

People don't really stare us down or anything and that's what I was worried about in the beginning. I've been hanging with this taller Asian chick and people don't really look at us badly either. Okay, I think I'm doing alright so far and those friends I hang out with are really cool. I enjoy companies with girls a lot more lately and been doing it rather successfully. It's a start really because I was more in tune with other guys. For a fact, I'm pretty cool with the guys and there's more friends on Facebook who are dudes than girls for me.

A few dudes have unfriended me and it's been much more than girls doing it to me. I guess I fell into some weird mindsets in the past and freaked out those people unintentionally. I was trying the best I can without losing my edge. When I did get pushed to the limit I couldn't handle, I just let out my steam in an honest manner. When I held back my steam those other times, it seemed like the people I was doing it to would get worse. When I let it out so very honestly, it's provided me with actually the best results and peace of mind. I'm the type who can bounce back from just being the honest person that I am.