Saturday, April 8, 2017

I'm the One Who Controls It

Despite all the advice people give me, I'm the one who ultimately makes the decision. It's just like how God the ultimate creator presented Himself to us and now we're given a choice to accept Him or not. It's the same deal!

I just chose to follow some of these people even though I was so angry underneath because I didn't want to see them get hurt. I think that was my worse worry which was just losing friends that would make want to get along and do stuff they ask me. Yet, if their tempers were high and they were making exaggerated claims based off of fear alone then maybe they were too unstable to rely on in the first place. I made my mistake of trying to confide in them. I should have just went off and do my own thing but I was personally not in tune with myself yet to do so such things. I was just held back. Going through this angry journey was a necessity to become a bigger person for me.

I'm now so much in tune with myself and it's obvious for others that if I do bring up something to fight about, it's going to always end up in my favor. Even if I end up losing some friends in the process, I have to be careful about who I drag in it with me. With the sides having been made up and so obvious now, I know those church people aren't really my friends to begin with and I can contend with them all I want and give them a hard time and even put restraining orders back on them!

From having that angry journey, I've found peace and how to socialize properly among other attractive girls! That should be proof enough that it has worked out for me in the end.