Thursday, April 27, 2017

Where It Looks To Stand

I gave away $4700 at the worst case scenario to a fake girlfriend who played a very good elaborate scheme which was for her family doctor to operate on her mom's surgery. I called up customer service to verify if the check cleared- the representative said 100% it's not getting a chargeback! Guess what, a charge back happened. That's what led to this give away. I had the right motive but sometimes people give the wrong information. There's nothing you can do about it.

Sometimes just thinking positively won't lead to the results that you were striving for. What I could take out of it is just more valuable information to use. I have a very relaxed principle in dealing with people. I've been blessed that nobody has kidnapped me or gone after killing me. I guess if that ends up happening, I hope the torture doesn't last long and that I'll have a fighting chance to go out swinging strong if I'm not going to make it.

On the bright side, I could just go after having fun and try to marry a sweet and athletic girl who worships Jesus with all her heart. Again, many more pitfalls and experiences will go along with it too. I can only do the best I can to prevent because I know where my heart stands and it's that I will stay committed.