Thursday, January 18, 2018

Making Best Use of My Time and Money

I honestly see myself as being able to have sex for long periods of time. Will my future spouse be up for it? I don't know. I don't really care how much the world looks down upon me because in this instance, I'm choosing to honor God's Word. I'm not going to physically have sex outside of marriage with anybody, unless I get raped obviously. Well, that would suck but I don't really count on that happening for me. I seem to be pretty intelligent and moral enough of a guy to respect situations that feel too out of hand and driving me crazy and making me so mad to still not land myself in jail, so getting raped by an inmate might not happen for me. I might instead get killed by one of them if I were to be in one of those penitentiaries. I'm just trying to think realistic about this.

Having confidence with my abilities while I'm going insane, this brings up another situation where I didn't get pulled over by another cop this morning. I think I can see that cop being obligated to protect me if someone from Hope of God church in Los Angeles decided to act like a nutty assassin with me and tried to do a beating arrangement. Well, they would probably be afraid of how I would get even so maybe they would just laugh about how they got rid of me and move on with it. If I were to come back, they will just deal in like manner of trying to get rid of me. It's just human nature. I also have this oath that I told God I will go visit them someday. I don't know when that is, but I'm still trying after all these last few years to become a millionaire with six-pack abs.

My dumb friend says it's too hard to get there and is pretty much at his wit's end while feeling depressed and having a different and selfish view about life than most people. I guess since he doesn't have money, he really can't join my other friends that often. Well, I can only hope that he'll end up doing well but he's going to crash and burn!