Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Being An Expert At Something

Well I guess it wouldn't be hard for someone to realize that he or she is an expert at knowing where he or she is bad at in life. I just don't think many would be interested in discussing about it if it's going to be perceived as not beneficial. It takes sometimes a lot of discipline and a few risks to get somewhere in life. It's really hard to ignore that something negative might be unwisely done from missing a few details. This is much like playing a fun game against another opponent and trying to go for the win and just having to settle for a loss or feeling great about winning. It's pretty much black and white each time- you put in the amount of work you want to and hope for the best!

I guess it's awesome to have a lot of reminders set in place or to just know how one operates. There really is some luck involved with living a happy life. If it doesn't work out, then there's really not much one can do about it. It would be about having to just move on. I have been working on not letting myself get too angry over something silly now. It's just not worth it to work at embarrassing someone you are bitter about over something not important like issues with that old church I keep on bringing up.

One thing that has really helped me connect with good friends is to just be myself and not shy about expressing myself. I think it's good to be genuine especially if you represent a wonderful faith like a person who truly believes in Christ.