Monday, November 26, 2018

Understanding Time Management

For myself, I'm starting to realize that my long-term desires and short-term ones don't match up. It's like while I'm in the moment, I want to be happy from keeping myself entertained and eat anything to my heart's content and not get fat off of it! At the same time, I want to have the love of my life to enjoy getting physically intimate with. I mean it's just all of this excess fun and enjoyment that you want, right? However, it's not happening for me. I wonder what's missing for me.

I know I'm lacking in somewhere with my personal character during my time management. I'm not enabling myself enough during these critical periods of free time I find myself in. With this free time, I'm just surfing the web and letting my mind wander while trying to read up on entertaining things like celebrities' lavish lifestyles or maybe about popular movies. I even read up on user comments on sports sites and have fun laughing at arguments that get a little out of hand, while not getting myself involved. I'm perfectly fine with being this anonymous observer at the moment and feel content with trying to organize around my life.

Reading up on material that I found curious about wanting to know, I've learned there are quite some useful and free information. It seems like it really takes a lot of common sense and being patient with gaining experience before coming away with figuring something out. I guess it's just putting in the time to go seeking and having willingness to experience working through some setbacks. From having made myself sore the past week with running six days straight out of the seven, I'm realizing that it requires just sitting through it sometimes to get to a result. It's not the most comfortable feeling in the world but it's necessary in order to achieve the desired result and it's all done out of living as a privilege.

I realize that I messed myself up from being mentally unstable while growing up. I didn't have the role model that I wanted and I was so shy and unbreakable with my lifestyle choices. It's not too bad because I didn't hammer away my brain cells. I just didn't have the best parents to help me through in those really important life-changing moments. It would have been great, but they didn't really know how to be successful. I'm still living with them and now, I just want to make a lot of money so I can comfortably move out and have a great experience with finding a nice partner.